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Did you nail personal finances at school?

Hmm, same.

The UK’s education system totally missed teaching us money basics, it’s no wonder we’re all a bit confused.

57% of Gen-Zs say the cost of living crisis has lowered their aspirations for the future
18 September 2023
35% of millennials have no retirement savings at all
17 May 2023
49% of those aged 18-29 live with their parents due to the high cost of housing
19 May 2023
Well, we’re changing that.

Kaldi isn’t just another app to help you save smarter, we’re dead set on simplifying how money works and giving Kaldonians (yeah, needs work) access to proper knowledge, with none of the jargon.

Yeah, yeah


Forget the idea that investing is for the rich and old, we’re pulling back the curtain to give you the info needed so you can grow your wealth.

Visit our Money Matters page


Tired of financial speak? Us too. At Kaldi, we keep it simple and clear, just like chatting with a mate. No secret handshakes here.

Hear what others have to say

Building trust

A word that’s thrown around so easily in the finance world. But unlike the “Crypto bros” on TikTok, our CEO has got years of credible experience having been first regulated in 1990 😲 and having worked in senior positions at regulated entities around the world.

Visit our Money Matters page

When it comes to your money, we’re invested

We exist to help you learn more about your personal finances and we’re giving you our full commitment upfront.
Here’s how we stand by you:

Starting early, saving more

We want to encourage you to begin your saving journey now, so you can build a strong financial future.

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Busting money

We’ll help clear up the confusion and keep it real, making financial knowledge accessible and straightforward.

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Let’s simplify the process so your money grows effortlessly by shopping, saving and investing with Kaldi.

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The story behind Kaldi

We know it sounds cringe, but we really want to become friends (in finance). Now, that can’t work if you know nothing about us.

Ready to shop, save & invest?

We know it sounds cringe, but we really want to become friends (in finance). Now, that can’t work if you know nothing about us. Capital at risk when investing.

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